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213) Make homemade jam 6 Sep 2012

{Note: This here is the third to-do of ten completed this past weekend at John’s family’s place. We’ll be posting these gradually throughout the week, as they happened. For the sake of naming things, we’re calling this weekend Laura & John’s Ultimate Thrifty To-Do Marathon}

Thrift Tip # 3
Make jam from scratch: saving money never tasted so sweet.

If you’ve got the time, a thermometer and a whole lotta sugar, making jam from scratch can be a rewarding and thrifty endeavour. You’ll find tons of easy recipes online. I recommend you check them out, because we won’t be sharing our recipe here with you today. Sorry. It’s top secret; passed down from generation to generation to generation; smuggled across borders; lost and re-found again; destroyed by fire and then passed on orally.

(So I could be lying about the last part(s), but you get my point….it’s in the vault.)