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23) Make a mobile 2 Feb 2012

Perhaps it’s the dancer in me that is fascinated by mobiles. I can somehow stare at them endlessly. Such delicate kinetic objects suspended in space, hanging precariously as if weightless. Yet each individual part fundamentally connected to the whole, like limbs connected to a spine.

Tonight John and I completed our first mobile out of the National Geographic paper cranes we made last week with friends. The cranes had been kicking around the apartment since then and we figured, hey why not recycle them.

Our mobile took us just over an hour to complete, and was much easier to do than we had expected. All you need is some aluminum wire, crazy glue, clear string, scissors, and some objects to hang. Start at the bottom and work your way up, balancing each section as you go along. You’ll find it’s quite a meditative process.



One Response

    amy says:

    Hi guys – love the mobile – I wonder what your framing for the top looks like? did you use a cross shape to hand the birds…?